To: The Observer
Re: Our children are really going to love us!

Date: Tuesday, 28 February 06

Dear Editor,
While many are so concerned about the country producing enough children to pay for our pensions in the years ahead, as the article, "UK baby shortage will cost £11 billion", suggests, it seems to me that no matter how many we produce, when they realise, as they surely will as they grow up, that WE, their parents and grandparents, have plundered and spoiled the planet, along with THEIR future, their attitude towards us is not likely to be quite as thankful and loving as we imagine. Far from looking after us and keeping us in the unsustainable style of life to which we have become accustomed, it wouldn't surprise me (nor would I blame them) if they beat us to death, as an appropriate expression of "gratitude", and to be rid of us.