Re: The beauty/ugliness of wind farms
Date: Monday, 15 November 04


Dear Sir/Madam,

In respect to the proposed off-shore windfarm at Nantucket Sound ("A Seashore Fight to Harness the Wind" in yesterday's NYT), one should remember that beauty and ugliness are in the eyes of the beholder and that both are greatly influenced by his or her understanding of what they are beholding.

When I see a wind farm with its rotors turning I know that it is generating electricity (something I am very dependent on) without consuming Earth's limited supply of fossil fuels, contributing to global warming, or posing a threat (no matter how small) of nuclear contamination, not to mention the costly military and security measures necessary to secure supplies of fossil fuels and to protect nuclear installations against enemy (terrorist) attack.

Surely there are some special sites (views) which one would not want to add even wind turbines to, but as a rule I find them an encouraging and exhilarating sight, expressing hope for a sustainable future based on renewable, safe, non-nuclear, sources of energy.

Hopefully more and more people will learn to see them in the same light. The future of our children and coming generations depends on it.