Re:    Recognising the root cause of our biggest problems
Date: Wednesday 3 May 06

Dear Sir/Madam,
Day after day I read articles, op-eds or editorials in this paper about the threat of global warming and rising oil prices, yet none even touch on the root cause of these two problems - which are linked, of course - and has to be recognise and faced up to in order to solve them.
In a nutshell (so as not to exceed 150 words), the root cause lies in an economy and way of life which are inherently unsustainable on our finite and vulnerable planet (with its ever increasing population of technologically empowered but essentially insatiable human beings), because deeply rooted in our animal nature.
In view of what Charles Darwin taught us about human origins, this should not surprise us, but because the implications demand radical change to what we are currently so familiar with and dependent upon, we choose (subconsciously) to ignore it and continue on our course towards disaster.


NYT Editorial: Foolishness on oil