To: New York Times <>

Re: Unfortunately, saving planet Earth is not economically feasible

Date: Thu, 28 March 2002


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Dear Sir/Madam,


The article "Green vs. Making Green" in today's NYT  provides a terrifyingly clear example of a common attitude towards the fateful situation we are in: Mr Ford and many like him would so much like to save our planet, but in practice they find that such a noble venture is simply not economically feasible.


Perhaps they believe that God will provided us with another planet after we have finished plundering and wrecking this one!


Why should I worry? I'll be safely dead and gone by the time things get really bad. Nor do I have any children or grandchildren whose cures I need one day fear.


But I do care. Which is why on my homepage, under the title "Towards a Philosophy of Survival", I'm trying to put together my ideas on achieving a sustainable society.


Many Americans (and Europeans) won't like it, I'm afraid, because it means radically reforming the "American way of life", which, although most of you refuse to face up to it, is fundamentally non-sustainable. But It's either that or extinction. The choice is yours.