Re: Q
uestioning the American Way of Life
Date: Saturday, 27 November 04


Dear Sir/Madam,

It is not just the President who "needs to look a painful reality squarely in the face" (Today's editorial: "A Foreboding Thaw").

Achieving "sustainability" (including a stable climate) on a planet with a population set to exceed 7 billion, limited natural resources and a finite carrying capacity, is fundamentally incompatible with the extravagantly wasteful and materialistic American Way of Life (along with many of the values, attitudes and aspirations which underlie it) - and all the more so, because so many others are seeking to emulate it.

Asking an American to question the American Way of Life, I know, is like asking a Muslim to question Islam, but it is something you HAVE to do, for your own sakes (or your children's) and for everyone else's. Otherwise we're extinct!

Where to start?

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