Re: Understanding the blindness and stupidity of those at the top
Date: Wednesday 5 October 05


Dear Editor,


Something that took me a very long time to understand - which most people never seem to do - is just how blind and stupid those at the top, like the rest of us, are - in politics, industry (particularly the oil and automobile industries), science, or wherever.
The reason is that if you are at or near the top of your profession, especially if you have made a lot of money, you are considered to be successful and are looked up to. As Earth's Greatest Ape (Homo sapiens, indeed!), this is what we are behaviourally programmed, through millions of years of evolution, to do. How often have I heard someone say that those at the top "aren't stupid"? And indeed, many of them are very clever and often well-educated to boot.
Thus, it is very difficult (as well as very frightening) to comprehend just how blind and stupid they are.
What sane and rational person, for example, would squander his inheritance, leaving his own children with nothing but a mountain of debt to contend with? No sane and rational person would, of course. Yet that is exactly what we (en masse) are doing, as we plunder and squander our planet's natural resources, disrupting its climate, while threatening its biodiversity and life-supporting ecosystems in the process.
I am not anywhere near the top of my profession, I have made very little money, neither am I particularly clever or well-educated - which means that most people (programmed to admire and listen to "experts" or those above them in the socio-economic hierarchy) have no interest in what I have to say (e.g. on my homepage at Which is a shame, because, although I have short-comings enough, I am not nearly as blind or stupid as those in power, wealth and authority, who are leading us towards calamity.

NYT Editorial, 5 October 05: "Running on Empty"